April 21, 2024

Witness the alchemy of property enhancement through marble mastery

Case Study: Going From a Free Trial to Freemium (and Surviving)

They had relatively high short-term churn and mediocre conversion rates across the board. But more importantly, what could users do in 15 days with an online knowledge base tool? They could create a few documents and share them with a few colleagues… But would you invest much time and effort into using a knowledge-based solution if you knew you only had 15 days to use it before being charged? Probably not. Tettra couldn’t shine with its free trial model.

The real value of a team knowledge base kicks in when you build up a lot of important company documents over time and then train a new or existing employee on them. That’s when the real value and “aha” moment comes into play.

Give enough value for users to get results

They had relatively high short-term churn and mediocre conversion rates across the board. But more importantly, what could users do in 15 days with an online knowledge base tool? They could create a few documents and share them with a few colleagues… But would you invest much time and effort into using a knowledge-based solution if you knew you only had 15 days to use it before being charged? Probably not. Tettra couldn’t shine with its free trial model.

How to build your product-led model

They had relatively high short-term churn and mediocre conversion rates across the board. But more importantly, what could users do in 15 days with an online knowledge base tool? They could create a few documents and share them with a few colleagues… But would you invest much time and effort into using a knowledge-based solution if you knew you only had 15 days to use it before being charged? Probably not. Tettra couldn’t shine with its free trial model.

They had relatively high short-term churn and mediocre conversion rates across the board. But more importantly, what could users do in 15 days with an online knowledge base tool? They could create a few documents and share them with a few colleagues… But would you invest much time and effort into using a knowledge-based solution if you knew you only had 15 days to use it before being charged? Probably not. Tettra couldn’t shine with its free trial model.

Gabriela Baketarić —
Growth Strategist, will help you address paint points for your project’s intial growth

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